DIRECTION 9 is a Media for Development

Feb 11, 2007

Invitation for Workshop on "HIV & Overseas Work

The second workshop on HIV & Overseas Work is to be staged in Melbourne on the evening of Friday 9th Feb and all day Saturday 10th Feb 2007. This follows the success of the first of these workshops staged in Brisbane in August 2006. The origins of this workshop are found in recognition of an emerging need in education provided to the development sector. As such, this workshop's development is a response to the number of participants attending education activities in HIV to up skill in this area prior to their departure for work overseas. The Workshop has been developed in collaboration with ACFID, ASHM, AVI, Burnet Institute, Griffith University, JTAI, MSF, MSIA, NAPWA, NCHECR, Oxfam Australia, Red Cross, The University of Queensland School of Medicine and World Vision. Any of these organisations are able to provide additional information about the workshop. The workshop is open to any individual interested in, or planning to, work overseas where HIV may be a significant issue and assumes no prior knowledge of HIV or of development issues. A key component of the day is the provision of resources and contacts to source further information. For more information including registration forms, flyers and program, contact any of the organisations listed, including Mr Dale Symons, HIV & HCV Education Projects, School of Medicine, The University of Queensland on 07 3365 5026 or . The following workshop will be in Sydney on 17th & 18th August 2007.

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